Welcome to Buckley Hall

This page provides some basic information to make your stay easier.

Your Wifi details are

  • Wifi = Buckley Hall
  • Wifi Password = BHa1922#


To log mainteance issues please only use our Contact Us Form, please provide as much detail as possible, the form is sent directly to our mainteance team for quickest fix.

Please review the Fire Escape Routes and Equipment maps which are placed on the wall outside your lift. Please also note the Fire Proceedure when you hear a fire alarm or if you see a fire.

Please review the FAQs Section and the Downloads Section of our website www.BuckleyHall.ie to get information on how the building and services work.

Please note our working hours are 09:00 to 17:30 Mon-Fri only. You can email us on info@BuckleyHall.ie for non-maintenance related queries.

We hope you enjoy your stay.

Kind Regards,

The Buckley Hall Team